Wednesday, May 8, 2013

New England Strongest

By now I'm sure you've all seen this photo of the dunderhead at the Maple Leafs game Monday.

I've heard people say it's Psy holding the sign - I didn't believe it until I realized he's sitting next to Rick James.

I'm not offended, really - who cares what someone like this thinks, every city has a few. And apparently it's tradition for those nice Canadians to boo our national anthem while 75 percent of them huddle next to our border.

But this really does sum up everything that's wrong with a certain breed of sports fan. Whenever tragedy strikes, sports commentators always say it puts the game in perspective. And I think to myself, what dillweed needs death to remind them a game is just a game? Apparently some do. Apparently some people have their head so far up their ass they forget there's a whole world out there beyond their team. For me personally, sports occupies a small part of my day - most of my time is spent playing with my hobbit, if ya know what I mean.

But this guy doesn't get it. He doesn't realize "Boston Strong" isn't about sports, it's about attitude, the resilience of a region. It's not hard to comprehend if you're either from here or have read a Stephen King book. New Englanders may not be the first to smile and wish you good morning, but when my car broke down a few months ago I hadn't tried to crank it three times before a stranger stopped and offered a jump. In the moments after the Marathon bombing, there were more people running towards the blasts than away from them, and that's a big reason why the death toll wasn't higher.

So keep your piddly little sports allegiances, this is about something bigger.

But while we're on the subject, Bruins in six.

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